Yesterday wasn't at all like I had expected it to be. I was hoping for a nice quiet entrance, and a day to get settled in my boarding room.
I was surprised by the uproar that our arrival made. I spent the whole day shaking somebody's hand or introducing myself.
It was a long day.
Today was different though! I was able to sink into the background a bit, and enjoy my day at school.
Then I met a girl who calls herself "Kit". (She explained that it was short for Kaitlyn.)
After chatting to me briefly, she asked if I would like to post on her "blog". I hadn't heard much of blogs before, so she had to show me how to make it work.
I just realized that I have typed a lot, and you don't know anything about me.
My favorite color is bright red. I like shopping. Kit, who is standing behind me, says that I am rambling and that I need to wrap this post up pronto. I don't quite know how she expects me to "wrap it up", it's virtual after all, but I think she means to stop typing.
To please her, I will post a picture of the two of us and her tiger, Tangerine.
Kit is saying that I need to work on my writing skills before she will let me post again. Maybe she is right.
Until next time!
Rowan Isabella Garcia (Kit also says that I don't have to use my full name every time I write it. She is a funny girl.)