We entered this outfit in the second round of the Doll Wardrobe blog's Fashion Design Contest, and would once again really appreciate it if you voted for us!! We are entry #41, and we have a friend who is entry #59. (Please vote for them too, if you get a chance!)
To vote, you can either send an email to nora.demington@gmail.com and specify which ones you'd like to vote for, or you can go to http://2013dwfashiondesignchallenge.blogspot.com/ , find the ones you want to vote for, and leave a comment saying that you'd like to vote for it. You can vote only once on each outfit, but you can vote for more than one outfit, if that makes sense.

If you do decide to vote for us, thank you!! I know I said (wrote) it before, but we really do appreciate it. :D
P.S. Here are links to the individual pages, if you are interested. #41 #59
P.P.S. This outfit is currently for sale on my etsy: linky
P.P.P.S. Once again with the formatting issues. :P