It appears that I have been surprisingly absent from the blog lately! The last time I posted was before Christmas..... oops!

But I have been keeping busy, more or less.
I've put several things up on etsy since then, and so I thought I would do a quick post about some of the things that are still available! (...with helpful links scattered throughout!)
So, without further ado, here we go!
First off, we have this lovely blue and green skirt! (that I just listed today, as a matter of fact!)
River hues skirt
.....And of course, a similar one in pink and yellow!
Sunset lily skirt
A few owl hats, in several different colors!
This one is aquamarine, but there is also one in mint, and one in magenta!
Aquamarine owl hat
Some black-and-white Pullip pants, because....
....well actually I don't have a reason!!
But really though, you can't have too many pants.... probably.
Patterned pants for pullip dolls
And lastly, one that isn't exactly new, but I did re-photograph it!
That kind of counts, right?
Peony crochet accessories
And so, those are the highlights of my recent etsy additions! Drop by my store if you'd like to see more, or just see more pictures of these!
Until next time,
P.S. Did you notice the new header? It's really just an updated version of the old one... but I still think it looks very snazzy! :P