But so is music.
Hello, this is Samantha. As you may or may not know, I love music and dancing. My favorite is ballet, but I also take jazz and tap dancing. The peak of my Autumn is usually the annual performance that the dance company puts on.
A lot of the music danced out of my life two weeks ago, leaving me with a lot of silence. I had been walking home from dance lessons with Josefina. I was so delighted that I had one of the main parts in the ballet, that I didn't notice the drop in the sidewalk.
I was lucky: I was left with only a twisted ankle. But that meant that I couldn't dance for a while.
My ankle will probably heal in time for the performance, but I haven't been able to attend the practices, so I'm not sure if I'll be able to do it.
The performance is this Saturday. I've been busy stretching and applying ice to my foot for the past two weeks, in hopes that it will heal enough for me to be able to confidently attend a practice. I have most of the routine memorized, but I'd really like to try it with the other dancers. Wish me luck!
Oh, This dress was made from a McCall's pattern. It was intended to be a shirt, but it turned out a little too long. It's one of my new favorites!
Hi Mimi:
I never know when it's you talking and when it's your dolls. Sigh. Are you taking jazz & tap? Did you twist your ankle? Did a tree fall on your house, delaying school? Is Wendy an American Girl Doll? How wonderful to have such a talented mother who can fix her head! ^__^ xxxooo The dress is perfect!
Oops, I guess I didn't clarify too well? This is by Samantha... I don't take any dance at the moment. :P
Kit's house is the one under repair, and Wendy is a porcelain doll from my grandmother.
Thank you!! :)
Whew. I'm glad that's all straight in my head now. What a busy lot you have. And how wonderful that you have a doll from your grandmother. That's a treasure. Thanks, Mimi. ^__^
I looove reading this blog! and looking at your flickr pictures! :D
-Americangirlcrazy123 :)
Thank you both so much!
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