to take pictures of a new piece of clothing... a ballet wrap!
The wrap is made from an old shirt. It didn't take very long to make at all. This is actually the second, and best, one I have made. The other one isn't bad at all... but this one is better. :) I'll have to post a picture of the purple one sometime.
the pants were made a while ago. The shirt, sunglasses, and shoes were all gifts at different times.
I'm not sure how I feel about Kit in pink... it's definitely not her best color... :P She has never been very partial to pink, so I had quite a time convincing her to let me take her picture in this!
Do you like Kit's hair like this? :)
Thanks for looking!
Oooh, another Kit! Hello, twin! Haha, just kidding. I know there are tons of other "me"s out there. I don't like wearing pink either. I prefer green, and Samantha says I would look good in blue, but I don't have any blue clothes.
I love the pants and sweater. What patterns do you use?
-Kit :D
P.S. Thanks for commenting on my blog.
Thank you for commenting!! :)
I don't have many blue clothes either. Only a couple of t-shirts really.
For the most part Mimi just uses her own patterns, but every now and then she will use some of Joan Hinds. These were her own patterns. :)
And you're welcome! I like your blog a lot. :D
Wow I think Kit looks good in that..even if she does not like pink :D
Thanks! She warmed up to the color a bit after seeing the photos of herself in it. :) Now she agrees with Samantha that pink is a very nice color. It still isn't her favorite, however!
I really like her hair and her sunglasses! They go well with her outfit - and you did an excellent job!
Thanks Sunshine!!! :)
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